Please read these instructions carefully. Prepare your manuscript exactly according to the instructions. That is the easiest and the most efficient way to ensure a rapid publication process and have a good published manuscript.

Size and file format

The size of the manuscript must be exactly 16 or 18 or 20 or 22 or 24 or 26 full pages. The manuscript has to be submitted as MS Word (*.doc) files. If you use other word editors, and cannot transfer it in Word and PDF, please contact us.

Layout guidelines

  • Use Custom Size Format, Width = 17cm, Height = 24cm
  • Top margin is set to 2,5 cm and bottom margin is set to 3,0 cm
  • Left and right margins are set to 2,0 cm
  • Use the whole space of all pages, do not leave free space
  • Strive to use space to the bottom of the last page

Guidelines for the text of the manuscript

  • For the text body Use Book Antiqua font, 9pt, normal
  • For Main Headings use Helvetica font, 10pt, bold
  • For secondary and tertiary headings use Helvetica font, 9pt, bold
  • Main headings are numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on; secondary headings are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and tertiary headings are numbered 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3
  • All headings are left justified. No paragraph indentation.
  • Paragraphs are justified using single spacing, with no paragraph indentation
  • Leave one 9pt clear line between paragraphs within a section
  • Leave one 6pt clear line between the main heading and the body of the text
  • Leave one 14pt clear line before main, secondary or tertiary headings
  • Avoid leaving a heading at the bottom of a page, with the subsequent text starting at the top of the next page. Use extra spacing (between earlier figures or sections) to push the heading up to the top of the next page. In view of the tight page constraints, however, do please make the fullest possible use of the text area.
  • Number footnotes consecutively with superscript numbers. Leave one clear (9pt) line space below the footnote line

Tables and Figures

  • Tables and figures are centred and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, from 1 upwards
  • Tables and figures have to be made in high quality, suitable for reproduction and print, taking into account necessary size reduction
  • Photos and graphics have to be in high resolution. High resolution starts at 300 DPI for .JPEG, .TIFF or .EPS formatted files
  • Tables and figures should be embedded in the text
  • A short descriptive title should appear under each table/figure/photo with a clear legend
  • Descriptive titles (captions) must be left justified
  • For descriptive titles use Book Antiqua font, 9pt normal
  • There is no blank space between the caption of a table and the table, or between a figure and its caption
  • Place figures as close as possible to their reference in the paper
  • The notations on figures must be clearly readable
  • All units must be included
  • Leave one 9pt clear line above and below a table/figure/photo


  • Equations are centred and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, from 1 upwards
  • Use Book Antiqua font, 9pt normal
  • Leave one 9pt blank line above and below an equation
  • You are free to use equation-editor programs such as "MathType" and "Aurora"

Language, style and spelling

  • Insights Publisher is a multi-lingual publisher, so the manuscript can be written in any kinds of language only depends on author's preference. 
  • If you want to publish your work in English, and if English is not your mother tongue, we recommend that you have your paper proofread to ensure the accuracy and improve the language quality
  • Use common technical terms
  • Avoid abbreviations
  • Spelling: follow the standard spelling of the language your work used
  • Check for consistency in the use of a decimal comma (16,2) or a decimal point (16.2)
  • Be consistent in the use of units of measurement


When publications are referred in the text, enclose the author’s name and the year of publication within brackets.

  • For one author, use author’s surname and the year (Arkin, 2004).
  • For two authors, give both names and the year (Mataric & Brooks, 1999).
  • For three or more authors, use the first author and „et al.“, and the year (Siegwart et al., 2006).
  • For different authors with the same surname, add initials to the authors names to distinguish them, (Arkin & S.A. Brooks, 1981) to distinguish from (A.T. Brooks & Siegwart, 2006).
  • For multiple works by the same author write the author's surname once followed by the years of each publication, separated by a comma (Arkin, 2004, 2009)
  • If there is more than one manuscript by the same author(s) and with the same date, label them a, b, c etc. (Stairs, 1992a, 1992b)
  • For multiple references list the citations in alphabetical order and separate with semicolons (Arkin, 2005; Brooks & Siegwart, 1982; Zani, 1999).
  • For organizations or group of authors: If the organization is recognized by abbreviation, cite the first time as follows: (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2005), thereafter (AIHW, 2005). If the abbreviation is not widely known, give the name in full every time: (Australian Research Council, 1996).
  • For citation of a secondary source, i.e. a source referred to in another publication, (Arkin, 2005, as cited in Brooks & Siegwart, 1982). In the reference list you only include the details of the source you actually read - not the original source.

Reference list

  • References have to include at least 5 items
  • Do not number references
  • Do not add space lines between references
  • The list of references has to be arranged alphabetically according to the first author
  • Publications by the same author(s) should be listed following the year of publication
  • All listed references must be directly cited in the body of the text
  • All references cited in text must also be included in the reference list
  • Do not add full stops to URLs
  • Second line is 1,24cm intended
  • Be consistent with your referencing style across the document
  • Write the full title of the publication. Shortening is allowed only if the publication is recognized by abbreviation
  • For multiple authors: separate names with commas and use the “&” symbol before the last name

Author(1) last name, Author(1) initial., Author(2) last name, Author(2) initial., & Author(3) last name, Author (3) initial.


Print Books

Author last name, Author initial. (Date of publication). Name of Book in Italics (edition), Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication

Edited Books

Editor last name, Editor initial. (Ed(s).). (Date of publication). Name of Book in Italics, Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication

Electronic Books

Author last name, Author initial. (Date of publication). Name of Book in Italics, Publisher, Retrieved from <URL>

Chapters in a print book

Author last name, Author initial. (Year of publication). Name of chapter, In: Name of Book in Italics, Name(s) of Editor(s), pp. (first-last page numbers), Publisher, ISBN, Place of publication

Chapter in an electronic book

Author last name, Author initial. (Year of publication). Name of chapter, In: Name of Book in Italics, Name(s) of Editor(s), pp. (first-last page numbers), Publisher, Retrieved from <URL>

Papers in Journals

Author last name, Author initial. (Year of publication). Name of paper. Name of Journal in Italics, Vol. volume number, No. issue number, (month and year of the edition), pp. (first-last page numbers), ISSN

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Author last name, Author initial. (Year of publication). Title of conference paper, Proceedings of xxx xxx, ISBN, conference location, month and year

World Wide Web Sites and Other Electronic Sources

Author last name, Author initial. (Date of publication or revision). Title, In: source in Italics, Date of access, Available from: <Available URL>

Use n.d. (no date) where no publication date is available.

Where no author is available, transfer the organisation behind the website, or the title, to the author space.

If there is no ISBN/ISSN number mentioned on an item, it can be omitted in the reference.


The manuscript must contain clear answers to the following questions: What is the problem / What has been done by other researchers and where can you contribute / What have you done / Which method or tools you used / What are your results / What is new and good, what is not good / Future research.

Structure and organization of the Article

  • Chapter Number
  • Chapter Title
  • 1st Author Name and Surname, 2nd & 3rd
  • Name of the University/Company
  • Country
  • Body of text with numbered sections
  • The body of the manuscript begins with the introduction
  • The 1st heading is placed on the 1st page, titled “1. Introduction”
  • The conclusion of your research must be summarized in a separate section under heading titled “Conclusion”
  • As the author, it is your sole decision wether to write acknowledgments. The acknowledgment section follows compulsorily the Conclusion section and is titled “Acknowledgment”
  • The last section of your work is the Reference section. If the acknowledgment section is included, the Reference section comes compulsorily after, otherwise it follows the Conclusion section.
  • Conclusion, Acknowledgment and Reference sections are all numbered sections that follow your paragraph numbering. For their headings use Helvetica font, 10pt bold.
  • Your manuscript ends with the last reference.