All Book manuscripts, prior to their publication, are subjected to a ‘single-blind’ peer review. This is an essential step in the publication decision making process. All review reports are presented to an advisory board that ultimately decides on whether the book is suitable for publication.

Each Book manuscript is sent without any editorial modifications to neutral external peer reviewers who are experts in the scientific or technical domain of the book. The book editor(s) or author(s) should declare any ‘conflicts of interest’ at the time of manuscript submission. Before sending the manuscript to a reviewer, Insights Publisher seeks consent of potential reviewers about their availability and willingness to review. All correspondence with the reviewer is kept confidential. The reviewers are required to send their observations filled out in the publisher’s review form. Essential, non-confidential information received from the reviewer is then communicated to the book editor(s) and author(s) who are in turn required to submit a point-to-point reply to each of the reviewer’s comments. In some cases the editor’s and author’s replies and the modified manuscript may be sent again to the original reviewer for a re-review.

The Insights Publication Examining Committee (IPEC) will eventually reach a decision whether or not to publish a book based on the reviewer’s comments and recommendations and after assessing the book’s excellence, timeliness, potential readership, credentials of the editors and contributing authors and originality of the topic and content submitted.

Insights Publisher attaches great importance to its pre-publication review and realizes the critical role that the reviewers play in the publication of accurate contents. We deeply appreciate the efforts of all our reviewers. As a token of our appreciation we allow book manuscript reviewers’ free access to the Book that they review, after its publication, and, to any BASE’s journals, that may only be selected from the list provided to the reviewer at the time the review task was undertaken.